Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Witnessing to an Agnostic

 How do you witness to an Agnostic?

Witnessing to an agnostic is much the same as witnessing to an atheist. In order to be effective you have to get past their intellect. The biggest obstacle there is, is their belief that they are more intelligent than you are. Most will not confess that there is no God, but that they don't know if there is a God or not. They look at the negative things that happen in the world; wars, famine, disease, and natural disasters and try to believe in their minds that this loving God that Christians say is in control, could have and should have prevented it. They don't understand that even though He is a loving God that he is also a holy and a just God that allows things to happen for reasons that is beyond our intellect.

This is where the problem with Agnostics come strongly against our efforts on witnessing to them. We hit them with the "you just have to have faith" message and they dismiss it because in their minds they can't comprehend it. I'm not saying that a Christians aren't as intellectually fit as an agnostics', but we have gotten past the scientific and mathematical thinking that is thrust at us from grade school, into high school and then college. To an agnostic it all has to be a Spock type logic, if it isn't logical and we can't fit it in scientifically or mathematically then most people have trouble understanding it. In order to get them to understand the Gospel and the entire Bible as truth you have to get them to understand that logical equations are not always the answer. You have to reach past the logic to grasp the illogical. It is not logical that God would give His Son for our sins and would let Him die on the cross. It is not logical that He offers us the free gift of salvation at no cost to us. It is not logical that a God that is in control of the universe is concerned about His children on an individual level.

Just because they don't agree with something doesn't mean that it isn't so. This is the angle they can't argue with, but will try. We have heard the wind analogy, even though you can't see it doesn't mean that it isn't there. That is a good place to start and they will even try to excuse it but you can go deeper. To me it is a difference between what is real and what you believe. I don't believe in abortion, but 3,000 are being performed everyday. Just because I don't believe in them doesn't mean its not a reality of life and is not true. Many people do not believe in the death penalty but even if they don't believe in it doesn't mean that if the commit a serious enough crime they will not go to the electric chair. To me abortion is not logical, but I have to face the fact that it is a reality. To many that are on death row, the death penalty is not logical, but that still does not negate the fact that they have been sentenced and will die in the electric chair or by lethal injection. I am not saying that God is not logical and that those that believe in Him are not logical. But to the scientific thinking mind it seems illogical to believe in a God that you can't see or make Himself known in a mighty way, because it doesn't fit in a mathematical sense.

To them 6 x 7 = 42 instead of 6 x 9 = 42. (Hitchhikers Guide to the Universe) Logic says that 6 x 7 = 42 and always will, but according to the show 6 x 9 = 42, why you ask? Because we have to understand that in order for it to work it has to be figured like this 6/b13 x 9/b13 = 42/b13. Normal understanding of mathematical logic has to be sidelined in order for the equation to make sense. Instead of working in base 10, where our minds usually work, we have to move into base 13. Still logical scientifically and mathematically but not in the way our minds have been taught to perceive things. Sorry if this is a little confusing. Don't forget your towel!!!

Every agnostic that I ever ran across had a different reason as to their beliefs, and it is an independent belief system, because each one is different. And each one has to be dealt with on an individual level. Each one is based upon a set of ideas that they have in their mind that helps them to eliminate God from their lives. And each one has a different order and a different one at the top of the list. I could be death of a loved one, or loss of a job. A spouse leaving for someone else, or even an illness that afflicts them or another. Each one is different and each one has to be responded to differently. But all will try to use a logical approach as to why they don't believe in God, to try to prove to themselves and to you that He doesn't exist. But I have found that even though it sounds that they are trying to convince you, they are only trying to reaffirm their own ideas and beliefs, because they know that they cannot convince a true Christian.

When Plato went to see Socrates (before his execution) he was convinced of life after death. He noticed that everything moved in cycles; plants, trees, seasons. If man, when he died, just ceased to exist then he would be the only thing created that doesn't continue in a cycle. Nothing ceased to exist just continue in another form. Plato made this argument from nature, he knew and believed that Socrates would continue just not in a earthly form. And even scripture speaks of this:

1 Corinthians 15:35-36
But some man will say, How are the dead raised up? and with what body do they come? Thou fool, that which thou sowest is not quickened, except it die:
1 Corinthians 15:51-52
Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 

Another example that I use in my book is of a forest fire. (condensed) Some can be told of a fire and believe that it is true. Some have to smell the smoke to believe that its true. Some have to see the flames to believe its true. But there are others that will not believe until they get burned by the flames. This could be used to categorize people and most agnostics and atheists are in this last category and I am afraid that many will have to feel the flames before they believe and then it would be too late. All we can do is witness to them the best that we can and share the Gospel, they may get mad when we do, but we know we will be hated and persecuted for His sake. Some of us plant seeds, others water and then God will give the increase.

I will leave you with this from James Orr from the 1930's

 Five Question Method.

A. Are you sure there is no God? If No: “Then you are not classic atheist, you’re an agnostic.” (you simply don't know if there is a God) If Yes: jump to question C (#3).
B. Are you an “open-minded” agnostic or a “close-minded” agnostic? Closed: means…you absolutely can't know if there's a God. Open: means you simply don't know if there's a God. (Most will say “open minded”. Even atheists don’t want to come off as “closed-minded”. No matter which one they answer, proceed to question C/#3.)
C. How much of the world's total knowledge do you possess? (anything more than about 1-3%
would be a ludicrous answer!!)
D. Isn't it possible that God could exist outside of your realm of knowledge? Illustration: Say you are blind, and are obviously unable to see the Big Dipper…does it still exist? Just because you haven’t experienced it/can't see it doesn’t mean that it doesn't exist.
E. If there were a God, would you be willing to do whatever is necessary to know Him (this God)? From here go into whatever gospel approach you typically use to share Jesus with someone.

Hope this helps some. If you need anything more please let me know.


  1. Thank you, I've been struggling with how to share the Bible to Agnostics, God has been refining my faith as of late and revealing to him that I must trust in him

  2. All of this is well and good in terms of debating against logic, but as an agnostic and student of many religions, I have yet to see a convincing argument from any of them as to why theirs is more true than others. If faith is the answer, many religions have the same answer. If logic is irrelevant, than is evidence of veracity reliable? Contrary to the article above, I do not believe myself automatically more intelligent than believers, but I am waiting for any religion to make an appeal that differs in some way from all the others.

    1. Christianity. in all other belief systems(aside from some existing cults), thier god, or at least there savior, is dead. but jesus rose from the dead, in turn, conquering what no other belief system has ever before, death.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. The Holy Bible and Christianity is the only religion that professes that it is from the Creator, the one true God. Jesus is also the only one still living. All other religions are man made and/or celebrate dead men or many gods. Choosing not to believe doesn't make it not true it only means you reject it.

    4. EVERY...NO EXCEPTIONS...ALL prophecies in the Bible have come true right down to the smallest detail. INCREDIBLE odds that this could happen! I feel I can trust what the Bible says to be ABSOLUTE truth. My problem...and probably a lot of other people's problem, is that we don't like what it says sometimes...

  3. God didnt have to do the things He has done for me to make believe because I already did. But those miracles that were done surely strengthened my faith. (my True Journal)
