Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Emotions in Heaven Again!

Even as Christians, while we are here on the Earth, we are subject to emotions. What sets us apart are our actions toward the causes of those emotions.

To be subject to our emotions, is to be controlled by these emotions and to react according to the emotions, hence our emotional responses.


Emotions are a reaction to a specific circumstance or action toward us. And because of that emotion we respond with an action, and that action is according to whether or not we allow to be controlled by the Spirit or the flesh. Remember the flesh wars against the Spirit.

When we get angry because of any reason we can respond either in the flesh or through the Spirit. Through the flesh it can be through revenge or downgrading and gossiping to hurt the one that made you angry. Through the Spirit you would deal with it differently. When we are saddened or sorrowful for any reason we either respond through the flesh or through the Spirit. The same goes with any emotion we may experience our response is either through the flesh or through the Spirit. As a Christian our responses should be through the Spirit, but even I am not naive enough to believe that is always the case. Even Christians can be subject to fleshly emotional responses.

The reason I believe that we will not have to deal with emotions or emotional responses in heaven, is because there will be no situations that cause the same emotions we feel in the flesh present there. that is why I feel only those things that are present through the Spirit of God will be present in heaven. If someone receives a reward in heaven that we don't, how will we respond? will we get mad? if we get angry, how will we respond? curse the person out or punch them? complain to God? I still believe we will show joy for their work for the cause of Christ, not get mad or upset.

I was just thinking (scary huh!) that many say that we are patterned after God (made in His image). And that God showed emotions and also Jesus showed emotions while here on Earth. One emotion would be anger, we can see in the bible where it was shown many times. God showed anger only toward sin. When Jesus was angry it was because of sin. It was a Godly anger. We should be angry at sin or anything that degrades our God and Savior, but should deal with it through the Spirit and not the flesh. But many confessing Christians have dealt with sin through the flesh by murder and destruction (abortion clinics for example and the people who run them), and try to justify it because of Gods actions. Many confessing Christians have tried to justify hatred through the bible because of the way God felt towards certain sins or actions, against Him and His word. If this is the case and God showed anger toward sin that was directed against Him, should not our anger only be toward sin aimed at God and not causes against us. And if anger is an emotion directed toward sin, would there be anger in heaven since there would be no sin there?

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