Wednesday, March 30, 2011



Galatians 5:22,23
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such things there is no law.

Faithfulness is importance coupled with commitment. A person is faithful only to what he/she feels is truly important. His commitment can only extend to what he/she sees is worthy of his/her time. Usually we are committed to something in our lives that we see as important and are faithful to it. And even though we do have to have a certain commitment towards things like our spouse or girlfriend, our job or school and our families, we have to be careful what we place in that number one position. What we place as the most important thing in our lives will show everything about us. If it is our spouse then people see us as a devoted husband or wife, if our job then we are seen as a loyal employee and if in our families then we are seen as a committed family man or woman. If we place our importance on any one of these things, then we can find other areas lacking and this can lead to trouble, as most have experienced first hand.

If you put your spouse as the most important thing in your life, then your job can suffer. If you place your job as most important, then your marriage and family can suffer. If you place sports or other outside activities, such as video games or hanging out above school work, then your grades can suffer. We can destroy areas in our lives by placing one area above another, by making it our one focus and devoting our time to it. Lives have been shattered, families left in ruins, marriages torn apart and jobs lost because of a commitment in another area.

As Christians the most important person in our lives should be Jesus Christ. If we place Him above all else, are faithful to Him and make a commitment to Him then it will effect other areas of our lives. We will be devoted, loyal and committed to our spouses, jobs and families. If we place Jesus first, then we can allow the Spirit to work in our lives; then it will change the way we think, the way we act and the way we speak. When we allow the Spirit of God to be active through us, then we will present ourselves in the manner that is pleasing unto Him in all other areas of our lives. But it has to start by being committed to Jesus Christ. It starts with faithfulness to the One that has given us life eternal. It starts with getting your priorities straight and placing Jesus first.

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