Tuesday, September 6, 2011

What is Essential Doctrine?

What is Essential Doctrine?

    As it is used here: Doctrine is a belief or tenet in theological matters. Doctrine in any particular belief, whether a denomination or whether a religious belief apart from Christianity. Christian doctrine is the truths revealed to us in the word of God through the scriptures. Essential means that it is of utmost importance, for us it means that they have to be believed.

    Just because a person claims to be a Christian doesn't make them a Christian. Many people and groups will claim Christianity but deny the most essential beliefs of Christianity.

    In Christianity, essential doctrine is the basic beliefs from scripture that are necessary to be a Christian. It is doctrine that is found in all true Christian denominations. To deny or to change any of these biblical truths is to deny the truth taught through scriptures.

    1. Monotheism - There is only one true God that exists. Isaiah 43:10 - 44:6 - 45:5,14,18,21,22

    2. Deity of Christ - Belief that Jesus is God in the flesh. John 8:24

    3. Salvation by Grace - Salvation is by grace alone, through faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ and not by our works. His sacrifice was sufficient for the sins of the world. Eph. 2:8-9

    4. The Gospel - The Gospel of Jesus Christ, or the Good News contained in the scriptures. The Good News tells or the redemptive sacrifice for our sins through Jesus Christ. Included in the Gospel is His sacrificial death, burial and bodily resurrection. 1 Cor. 15:1-4

    5. The Resurrection of Christ - Although part of the Gospel it also stands alone. The resurrection is of utmost importance because without it our faith is in vain and we are dead in our sins. 1 Cor, 15:14-18

    6. Trinity - Belief that even though there is only one God, He exists in three distinct personages. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Although each is an individual and each is divine in nature, the three form the triune Godhead. Each person of the Trinity is distinct in actions and yet identical in attributes. Matt. 28:19

    7. Jesus is the only way to salvation -  Jesus stated that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life, no one comes to the Father except through Him. Salvation is found only through Jesus and can not be obtained by any other means. John 14:6

Each of these will be explained in more depth and detail as each is covered alone.

Monday, September 5, 2011

How soon we forget...

Next Sunday is the anniversary of the most devastating attack to ever occur on our shores. Thousands lost their lives, innocent men and women that had only showed up for work that day or happened to be in the vicinity. American Airlines Flight 77 struck the Pentagon. American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175 targeted the World Trade Center. United Airlines Flight 93, which was presumed to be headed for the Capitol, was forced to crash in a field in Pennsylvania when the passengers fought for control of the plane. Families of the innocent people whose lives were taken that day turned toward others for comfort. 

There to support and comfort others were the ones that have been called into the ministry. Not just the pastors and preachers, but all those that have accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior. Those that were directly in contact to family members, ministering to them one on one, at ground zero. Clergy offering to help at the site and the surrounding areas. And countless others praying from around the world as the events unfolded. People praying for God to comfort and give peace to the families and survivors of the devastation. Not because it was the Christian thing to do, but because they were led by the Spirit to intercede through prayer and in presence.

On this anniversary, the clergy are not invited to speak. There will be no prayer, only moments of silence. Politicians will give speeches about how this was a blow to the world, along with some campaigning.

In 2001 when this tragedy happened, America was united through faith. In 2011 faith has been removed from this tragedy. Our prayer this year shouldn't just be for the families that are still grieving but also for the officials that want to remove all presence of God from this country.